Wednesday, January 19, 2005

The New Grinch Movie Sucks 18 Kinds of Ass

So in my film and religion class last night, we watched both of the "Grinch Who Stole Christmas" movies. I really like the original animated movie, despite not being a Christian myself. The new live-action version of the movie, however, can spin off into a void never to be seen or heard from again, for all I care.

It was just all wrong. Never mind that they added a whole bunch of crap onto the front of the movie to pad it into a feature-length movie (they didn't get to the events of the original text until about 2/3 of the way through the movie). It was just all wrong. Five minutes in, the Whos were engaging in an orgy of consumerism, throwing money at cash registers and carrying piles of boxes bigger than themselves. Little Cindy Lou Who asked her dad if all of this didn't seem to be a bit much, to which he replied "But that's what Christmas is all about!"

That was it, I was done with this POS.

I don't care that the Whos finally realized their mistake in the last 10 minutes of the movie. The entire point of the original story was that they never lost focus of the real meaning of Christmas in the first place. Sure, they did all the other stuff with the decorating, and the presents, and the feasting, but they knew that those things were really unneccessary. In this movie, the Whos are assholes and the Grinch is actually the voice of anti-commercialism. Crap! All crap!

Also, the way women in the movie looked pissed me off. All of the people in the movie looked funky. They were supposed to be Dr. Seuss drawings brought to life, so they had funky Seuss-ian noses. All of the men that the audience was supposed to like and identify with/root for looked Seuss-ian. However, the only two women in the movie who the audience was supposed to like and identify with [Cindy Lou and Martha May (the Grinch's love interest, of all things)] looked like regular women (or girls, in Cindy's case). It was okay that the men looked funny, but the women had to conform to our culture's stupid ass beauty standards in order to be good enough for the audience.

You can accuse me of being too sensitive if you want. You can also kiss my ass, because I'm in a really, really bad mood thanks to this stupid movie.


Blogger Mandyfish said...


I grew up with the Grinch and the Whos. That was our Christmas story. I absolutely hate the new movie! I'm not a big fan of Jim Carey as is but...
I just can't believe there are children out there who have never seen the cartoon and think that the movie is the best/only version out there!

6:31 PM  
Blogger Linus said...

I second the motion - the new Grinch blows. When I took Film and Religion we definitely crushed it in discussion. Everyone hated it.

By the way, the recent Cat in the Hat movie also fellates monkeys...

8:57 PM  

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