Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Rainbow Update! Oh, And People Are Fucking Insane....

So, my little Princess Rainbow Terrorist is at the vet's office right now getting spayed and declawed. I feel like a parent whose kid has gone away to camp for the first time. I'm all angsty and worried. I had to stop myself from calling the vet, like, 20 times today to check up on her. So to distract myself, we will have some photo fun and a new contest!

So, here is a photo of Rainbow taken right after I got home in mid-May:

These next two, I took last night. She is a little over 3 months old, like 13 or 14 weeks. She's bigger than my last cat Pookie was full grown:

This is my mom's new kitten, taken this afternoon. She is a month old. Maybe 5 weeks.

WOW! What a difference! Rainbow is a freak of nature! I love her sooooo much!

Okay, okay, I'll stop with the Cat Mommy Gushing and get on to the contest portion of tonight's post:

My mom is having the hardest time naming her new kitten! It's really driving my mom nuts. This kitty is just way too adorable to go nameless or end up with "Baby" or "Little Kitty" for a name. This is the kind of kitten that they put on Hallmark cards, people. So, submit your name suggestions and if my mom accepts your suggestion, then you will win an Endangered Species gourmet chocolate bar in your choice of either smooth milk chocolate or dark chocolate mint!

And now for something completely different....

More fun links!

How To Blow a Fortune (on and Make the FBI's Most Wanted List! You should definitely read the customer reviews for the JL421 Badonkadonk Land Cruiser/Tank. (Yes, you read that right. The Badonkadonk Tank!)

Fast For George W. Bush. There's a group of people advocating fasting to help Bush with his holiness. With the obesity rates in the US, I think His Holiness is out of luck....

God wants you to be naked!

Figure skaters for Christ!

How to make a Golem. Who doesn't want to play God?

Parental abuse starts on the birth certificate! You would not believe the crazy shit people name their little snot goblins. And if you like that, check out the Utah Baby Name site! The tagline says "An online help for parents looking for that distinctive name that says 'I'm a Utah Mormon!'" Hee!

Hey, Linus! I lied! I am writing about you in this post! Love you!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

More Random Randomness!

1) Lovely time wasting links, mostly curtesy of Snarkfest:

Last 40 images posted on LiveJournal. It's just like it sounds, you click the link, you see the last 40 pics that were posted to LiveJournal! MAY NOT BE WORK SAFE. My favorite from tonight:

Kingdom of Loathing! Battle some Menacing Booze Giants and stealthy Snow Ninjas to collect Meatloaf Helmets and Filthy Corduroys! Dudes, I'm a frickin vegetarian (trying to transition to an almost-completely-vegan) and even I want a Meat Tree! From now on, I'm listing my occupation as "Disco Bandit" on any form that I possibly can.

Child Beauty Pageant Zombies Will Eat Your Soul! Click "samples" and then "color samples." Eeeee!

PostSecret Since they didn't put up my postcard, it's safe to post this! Go gawk at other people's pain!

2) I Knew I Should Have Read 'Good Omens' First....

Okay, so after last year's school craziness, I haven't been able to read for fun at all. That's totally upsetting to me, cuz I love love love me some books. I mean, last Winter Break (which was a month long, not the lame 3 weeks we got this year), I read 24 books. Sure, some of those were sci-fi/fantasy paperbacks that took me an afternoon, but still. This Winter Break and summer? No. None at all. I have the attention span of a gnat. I bought a bunch of books right after I got back to Idaho, and I just finished the first one (an extremely excellent collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman) yesterday. Today, I started a new book called Regina's Song by David and Leigh Eddings (please don't break up with me, Linus). Sure, it's got some problems, but I was rather enjoying the story, when I come to page 282. Everything is fine and dandy, the plot is starting to come to a head, and then...the book starts over from page 123, and continues until page 154, at which point it picks back up at page 317. Fuckin' A! I was planning to stay up until I either finished it, or fell asleep! But no. None of that for me. Instead, I had to e-mail the publisher and ask for the goddamn missing pages. *sigh*

3) The Countdown Begins

Yes, a week from today (it's a whole 48 minutes into Sunday, don't you know), I will be arriving back in Laramie! I'm totally excited, of course. I'm also having anxiety attacks and getting really sad. Part of it is that I always do that right before a move. If I'm going to school, that means I'm leaving my family, if I'm going back to Idaho it means I'm leaving my friends. It's always sad and it always requires a big mental shift and the development of new routines, which is always stressful to me. And a little bit of it has to do with the bouts of pessimistic anxiety experienced by a certain kilt-wearing Pontiff who shall remain nameless (but not linkless). Don't blame yourself, sweetie, I understand. But I'm not the impenetrable ice fortress I pretend to be....

But even still, I'm totally looking forward to seeing everyone (or at least, everyone who's still around) again. A good time will be had by all!

Thank you, drive thru!

Friday, July 01, 2005

All Kittens Is Bitches!

Well, this is going to be a random collection of things. And there are funny pictures at the bottom of the post, so keep reading!

1) The Forum Is Up!

That's right, I've finally got the damn Flock forum up and running. Come on in! Start all the threads you want. I am a kind and benevolent Moderator. Clicky clicky!

2) New Family Member!

Terribly saddened by the thought of not having Rainbow around once she and I leave for Ohio, my mom decided to get herself a kitten. Luckily, Priest River Animal Rescue had one tiny little kitty needing a home. A great thing about being one of the founders of that organization and a sometime-foster home is that we can get our hands on them way sooner than anyone else. Usually, people have to wait until they're spayed or neutered first, which can't be done until they're about 4 months old. We, on the other hand, can just "foster" them until such time as they can be formally adopted. So now we have this teeny, tiny, round little kitten. She's enough to melt even Rainbow's heart. She still needs a name, though....

3) I Cannot Get Out Of This Country Fast Enough....

Sandra Day O'Connor retires from the Supreme Court In a related story, Bush prepares to deliver a vicious ass fucking to the rest of America.

4) I Got My Diploma Finally, Noticed Two Problems

Incompetent to the very end, U. Wyo misspelled my major on my diploma. Apparently, I got my bachelor's degree in "Women?s Studies." Fucking idiots. And people kept asking me why I wasn't going there for grad school too.

Also, in the lower right hand corner of the diploma is the seal of the state of Wyoming. And who should I spy on said seal? Torgo! Yes, everyone's favorite goat-man has been immortalized in a completely unexpected fashion. Here's a scan of my diploma if you don't believe me:

5) F Is For Fox!