Normally, I Don't Really Go In For Quizzes, But...
...Dudes. It's about comic books. Which gritty no nonsense comic book character am I?
You are John Constantine.
John has a strong knowledge of the occult and at
times he appears to wield strong magical powers
but he has also become known as something of a
con-man, more likely to talk himself out of
trouble than pull a rabbit out of a hat.
What Gritty No Nonsense Comic Book Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I was hoping that if I got Spider Jerusalem, they'd throw in a pair of his glasses for free, but no such luck. We wants them, precious....
Originally uploaded by Raksha38.
Turns out I'm Jesse Custer. Oh, the irony...
Well. Turns out I'M Spider Jerusalem.
Now I need some filthy assistants.
I think we could all use some Filthy Assistants.
Everybody, say hello to another Fametracker refugee, Justin Cognito!
Thanks for having me. And your cat is freaking adorable, by the way.
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Damn. Blogger backfired on that one. 'Tis me, by the way.
well, I took it...
Don't worry, Skyblade; just know that if there were an "Are you totally gay?" question, I'd be Midnighter, too.
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